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20 Great Reasons to Have a Backyard Pool Copy

Reason #1 – Add value to your home

Ask any realtor in a warm climate and they’ll tell you – installing a backyard pool is one of the best ways to add value to your home! Up to a 15% value or more can be added with a pool installation.

Click here to see 30 breath-taking pool landscaping design for your home.

Reason #2 – Great for your health

Swimming is unquestionably one of the best exercises around. Swimming has been proven to lower your risk of a wide range of cardiovascular illnesses with frequent swimming.

Reason #3 – Great for families with children

Everyone knows that kids love playing in the pool, and you can avoid having to make trips to your local pool if you have one right in your backyard!

Reason #4 – Fewer vacations needed

Enjoy a staycation! You won’t have to travel many miles to enjoy a beautiful pool or swimming opportunities when you have one in your backyard.

Click here to learn about a Gunite pool

Reason #5 – Spend quality time with your family

Having a pool in your backyard lets you enjoy more quality time with your family without having to leave home.

Reason #6 – Throw pool parties

Pool parties are one of the top reasons for having a pool! Give your kids the birthday of a lifetime or host parties for your friends and other family members in nice weather.

Reason #7 – Relaxation and de-stressing

Taking a quick swim in the pool is one of the best ways to unwind and de-stress after a long work day. It’s an incredible luxury that you have to experience for yourself!

Reason #8 – Stay cool throughout the year

When the weather gets hot, you’ll always have a way to stay cool and also keep your air conditioning bills down.

Reason #9 – Keep the kids nearby

You’ll always be able to keep a close eye on the kids when they’re swimming in the pool rather than playing around the neighborhood. With proper supervision, pools can be very safe.

Reason #10 – Improve your home’s aesthetics

Adding a backyard pool to your landscape is one of the best ways to improve the aesthetics of your home.  Turn your backyard into a beautiful oasis and entertainment area with a pool installation.

Reason #11 – Swim in all seasons

You can install your pool with heating so that you can swim in all seasons, if you prefer, even when the weather starts to take a dip in the fall and winter!

Reason #12 – Great for seniors

Swimming is one of the best low impact exercises around, and if you have any seniors in your family they’ll be able to enjoy excellent exercise in the safe surroundings of your home.

Reason #13 – Finance your pool

Professional pool installation companies like Carnahan Landscaping will allow you to finance your pool and pay it off over time. So, you won’t get stuck with a huge bill!

Reason #14 – Save money on going to the water park

There’s no need to go to the water park when you have an amazing pool right in your back yard! You can even install waterpark-like features such as water jets, spas, waterslides, fountains, lazy rivers and more.

Reason #15 – Exercise without sweating

When you exercise in warm weather you have to worry about sweating and dehydration which can slow your exercise down quite a bit. You won’t feel sweaty when swimming in your pool because the water constantly cools you down!

Reason #16 – Burn a lot of calories quickly

You’ll be surprised at how many calories swimming can burn without too much effort either. A gentle swim can burn over 200 calories per hour and you will hardly feel it. Other types of exercise like jogging take a lot more effort to burn the same amount.

Click here to check with calorie burn calculator.

Reason #17 – Improve your mental outlook

Adding a backyard pool to your home can help you maintain a positive mental outlook with swimming being such a healthy exercise, and it’s a great way to improve your overall well-being along with dieting and other types of exercise.

Reason #18 – Get a full body workout

When you swim, you’re exercising many of the large muscles groups in your body, compared to other workouts that target specific parts of the body. Swimming frequently will tone your whole body and get you fit in no time!

Reason #19 – Tire the kids out

After a full day of swimming your kids will be tired and ready for bed! It’s one of the best ways to get them prepared for bedtime so that they don’t stay up all night and keep you awake. Getting them to bed on time will also help them prep for the next school day.

Reason #20 – Great for grandchildren

Grandparents should consider installing a backyard pool for the great benefits mentioned above, along with the fact that it’s another great reason to have the grandchildren over to your home!

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